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Fortify your security!

Online Access

Imagine if a skimmer at a gas station stole your credit card information and duplicate cards were sent all over the state. Envision that someone impersonated you to apply for a new loan or credit card or that person committed a crime and used your name and information when apprehended. Suppose your child’s Social Security number was compromised and the thief created an entirely new identity; severely affecting your child’s financial future.

What would you do if you were faced with one of these scenarios? We are here to help should you or a member of your family has their identity stolen.

Protecting Our Members

All Fort Financial members are eligible for fully-managed identity fraud research, remediation and recovery services, performed by certified, licensed recovery advocates, if identity fraud is known or even suspected.

Should you experience a compromise of your personal information, contact us for assistance immediately. We will put you in touch with a recovery advocate who will do the work for you to restore your identity. In addition, if an eligible family member experiences an identity fraud event, he or she is covered too.

Eligible Family Members

Read Our Blog Post on Identity Theft Restoration

Types of Identity Fraud

As an added service, we have arranged for the professional identity fraud research, remediation and recovery benefits to extend beyond just accounts with us to cover all types of identity fraud — this includes both financial and non-financial fraud, such as:

Reporting Identity Fraud

If you suspect identity fraud, or if your personal information becomes compromised, contact us at 260.432.1561, and we will securely submit your case. A personal recovery advocate will contact you directly by phone within one business day. Or you may contact the Recovery Care Center directly at 866.647.6223.

Your dedicated professional recovery advocate will complete the legwork on your behalf to research and remediate all identity fraud incidents and restore your identity to pre-event status — no matter how long it takes!

Depending on your identity fraud incident, these efforts may include:

Should you lose, misplace or have stolen an important document or credential, a recovery advocate will help you replace them. This service covers credit cards, licenses and other government-issued documents, just to name a few. Call Fort Financial Credit Union at 260.432.1561 or visit to learn more.

*Identity theft insurance is underwritten by Lyndon Southern Insurance Company, a member of the Fortegra family of companies. The information provided is a program summary. Please refer to the Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Evidence of Coverage forms for additional information including details of benefits, specific exclusions, terms, conditions, and limitations of coverage. Coverage is currently not available to residents of the state of New York and may not be available in other U.S. territories or jurisdictions in the future.