On Tuesday, October 11th, you’ll notice a new look to our website, fortfinancial.org. Every decision about the design and functionality of the site has been made with you in mind. We want to help you find the information and tools you need easily and quickly.
When the new site is launched on Tuesday, October 11th, you will notice:
- A simplified navigation path for quicker access to information that requires less clicks through pages
- Easy-to-find next steps to help guide you through the site
- Useful financial calculators to help you achieve your goals, whether you want to buy a car, pay off debt, analyze your savings, create a budget or more
- Timely articles with financial tips and advice to help you earn, save and manage your money more effectively at every stage of life
The change will not affect your online and mobile banking experience. You will still see the same design and have access to the same features after you sign into your account that you do today.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 260.432.1561 or stop by your nearest Fort Financial branch.
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